Business European funded projects online management tool with
Best rated business European funded projects platform? MIP is the platform you need to plan, manage and implement your projects. It helps project teams work together more easily, quickly and intelligently, using tools that automate processes – increasing productivity. With this online project management tool, you will no longer experience delays and losses due to operating errors, poor planning or incorrect data in reporting to the financier. Processes are accelerated due to their automation, saving resources human resources, time and money. Find extra info on manage European funded project. The entire activity registered in CalendarExpert is automatically exported to Reports ( Annex 7 / Annex 18 ), being generated complete archives, per project.
Through the MIP platform, you manage the following aspects of the projects being implemented: Project Management (simultaneous of up to 6 projects) and the Partners associated to each of them; Management of planned activities and sub-activities of the project; Project team management and association of partners, functions and users; Management of Functions and Experts, respectively of the elements associated with them: actions, budgeted hours by positions, job description responsibilities.
Parameters improved by MIP: Financial losses (-65%), Human resources involved in the reporting process (-45%), Time (-76%), Risk of corrections (-50%), Project team effort (-70%) A non-exhaustive list, of the advantages obtained from the use of the MIP Platform, is presented below: Provides access to the project team to a modern project management tool, in Romanian, calibrated to the requirements of the financier, which allows planning, management, coordination and control activities and hours budgeted by experts. All documents are in one place, archived, correlated, described (in the stack files), there is the possibility of efficient use even after the completion of the project, in reports, third party audit, etc.
Within the Funding Source Project (PSF) , the members of the Target Group participate in a Business Plan Competition , conducted on the basis of an approved and published Regulation for the knowledge of stakeholders (governmental, national and international authorities, business environment, eligible individuals for accessing the grant (de minimis aid scheme) Following the evaluation of the Business Plans by a committee of experts, they are noted correctly and transparently in accordance with the requirements / evaluation criteria published in the Regulation. of Business Plans (less than 10% of participants) are declared winners of the Contest and receive funding for implementation. Discover additional info at
MIP online platform – is useful for the simultaneous management of all projects carried out in parallel by beneficiaries with teams of over 25 and 250 experts and who want to boost their performance. The package combines the advantages of the simultaneous use of the two macro-modules: MIP and Business Plan, managing both the Funding Source Project and the Business Plans financed by it. This ensures an excellent tool for monitoring business plans with the automatic loading of deliverables generated by PA, directly in the Monitoring Expert Calendar.