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Some tricks for yellow feet issues

Do you have yellow feet problems and you are searching for some advices to help you deal with this disease? Are you suffering from an underactive thyroid, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, or high cholesterol? Then you could be suffering from a heightened level of carotenoids in your blood. Normally, your body gets rid of these carotenoids as bodily waste. However, when you are suffering from one of the conditions mentioned here, this doesn’t happen. The result? You get yellow feet and yellow palms.

Possible Yellow Feet Causes : Anemia: Short- and long-term cases of anemia may present yellowing of the skin in addition to lethargy and extreme fatigue. It occurs with a lack of red blood cells, as the body requires abundant amounts for oxygen support. It is commonly referred to as a deficiency of iron in the blood.

Fungal foot infections can be persistent and hard to treat, but they are rarely life-threatening. When a rash, itchiness, and flaking develops between the toes, it is most often related to an all-too-uncommon condition known as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). The fungus thrives in moist environments such as gyms and saunas and can flourish in sweaty socks and shoes. It is highly contagious and can be readily spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing.

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. It develops when too much bilirubin, which is a waste product from the breakdown of red blood cells, builds up in the body. People with jaundice may have yellow feet, but they will have yellow skin on other parts of the body as well. They may also experience itching, which can sometimes be intense. Jaundice can be a symptom of: a viral infection, such as hepatitis A, B, or C, certain medications, such as penicillin, oral contraceptives, or anabolic steroids, some herbal supplements, gallbladder problems, liver failure. The treatment for jaundice involves addressing the underlying cause. People who have jaundice should see their doctor for tests and treatment. See extra details on

How to Treat Yellow Feet: Home remedies may be effective at treating less severe cases of yellow feet. Consult with a physician if you suspect that your discoloration is caused by chemical poisoning or chronic health conditions. Apply a potato paste to the feet to get rid of yellow coloring. Boil potatoes and mash well. Rub on the feet until mashed potatoes are cold. Repeat daily until a normal color returns. Limit consumption of yellow-colored vegetables and carrots.