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Tene Kishan best critical care nurse duties and responsibilities recommendations

Top ICU nurse duties tips and tricks by Tene Kishan? ICU nurse is also known as a critical care nurse. Critical care nurses provide most of the direct care to patients in life-threatening situations within the intensive care unit. ICU nurses commonly provide care to patients suffering from cardiac disease, brain injuries, accident victims, and patients recovering from complex surgeries that need frequently nursing care. Intensive care unit nurses work very closely with physicians and other members of the health care team. They need to be skilled to assess patients’ problems quickly and capable to use high-tech equipment. They use their advanced skills to care for patients who are critically ill and at high risk for life-threatening health problems.

Tene Kishan has a background in health care and public administration. She earned 3 college degrees and has a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in political science, a Bachelor’s of Science in nursing and a Master’s Degree in public administration. Tene Kishan is Registered Nurse with a background in ICU/Critical Care and owns a non-profit organization that’s provides services and puts on community events for youth in need of housing services in the area of Los Angeles County.

Tene Kishan about ICU nurse careers: Where do ICU nurses work? As the name suggests, critical care nurses primarily work at the ICU departments of health care facilities. ICUs are well sanitized and properly lit medical centers with strict adherence to health and safety. ICU nurses often move about between the intensive care unit, emergency department, operating theatre, and other hospital specialty wards. ICU nurses typically follow a standard shifting schedule that features morning, afternoon, and night timetables. There are also other shifting schedules, depending on the hospital and region.

It is crucial to gather accurate data on physiological parameters – such as oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate and fluid balance – at the bedside of the patient who is critically ill. Typically, each patient will have their own monitor that will display a range of clinical factors (Box 1) and provide real-time feedback to help evaluate critical care interventions, and detect any deterioration or emergency situations promptly. The interventions most commonly used include mechanical ventilators, infusion devices and renal replacement therapy. Table 2 outlines the interventions used for different physiological systems. Find even more information at Tene Kishan.