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Amazing 21st century digital artists from Jean Arno

Best modern poets with Jean Arno? Jean Arno is a digital artist whose NFTs digital paintings and 3D sculptures are exhibited in the metaversal gallery “Art & Above” and the leader of the crypto art and the artistic movement “Chaosism” which he theorized in “The art of totality”. A selection of poetic aphorisms with philosophical wisdom and Orphic mysteries about life, love, existence and beyond. The book represents a true intellectual experience which will transport you to a symbolic and mystical world where you will discover that “the highest truths are not given; they are conquered. The light they beam blinds those it does not guide”. Find even more details at

With Trophies, Jean Arno not only pushes the art of writing to the heights of the ancient glories of France—Hugo, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Eluard—with whom he competes; he joins depth of thought with the harmonies of his classical hexasyllables. Nietzsche himself would probably have made these verses his own: “ Free is the will / Sovereign and great / Whose lightning controls / The palaces of fate”. The poet-philosopher makes himself a high idea of poetry, “supreme art, (…) it releases from the darkness of the being the invisible powers and lets bloom in their supreme clearness the germs of light inside them”.

The Metaverse and NFTs are changing the face of art. Art had already been digitized with the development of certain technologies and applications like “Procreate” or “Tilt Brush” and the growing influence of artists like Jean Arno, Karol Kolodinski, Pete Harrison, Anna Zhilyaeva, David Waters, Mike Winkelmann, and Heiko Klug. What at first appeared to be only a trend is about to change art itself. The idea of “Chaosism,” a new artistic concept developed by Jean Arno and the Astrée collective and defined as “the embodiment of the complexity of life in the unity of art” could only be translated into reality through an advanced technology capable of multiplying the significant layers: digital art and the Metaverse.

Within the Metaverse—the digital universe in which our avatars will extend our physical lives—new perspectives are open to NTF artists whose work will find their place in digital art galleries like Art & Above. Everyone will be able to enrich the walls of their virtual home with living and unique paintings they buy or exchange. NFTs and Metaverse: the new world of art is on the move. After reading Trophies, many people discover a hidden message in its passages; however, Arno refers to it as an intellectual experience.

Your readers report a “secret.” You yourself speak of an “intellectual experience” on your website Is your collection an initiation? Over time I have developed a palimpsestic habit. I hide messages in my poems and art that need to be identified and deciphered. The reader is thus led to discover secret and hidden works. This tendency developed when I was younger and practiced techniques that were close to what is called “sfumato” but which corresponded to my soul’s natural inclination. My esoteric and philosophical readings probably influenced me — the Chaldean oracles, for example, or the writings of Proclus, Porphyry, or Jamblique. The final word? If your mind is rich with worlds and your thoughts wish to bloom with resplendent stars, let its bold flight rise to the blazing peaks of my Trophies. Read even more information on Jean Arno artist.

The poet, like Nietzsche, reminds us of an obvious fact that we should never have forgotten: human beings reach their highest freedom as creators. However, we have moved away from this path because it requires qualities that are difficult master. High creation requires us not to succumb to the temptations of our time — the temptations that lead artists and intellectuals to produce only works that conform to a determined horizon of expectation, which are often uniform and superficial. The mind that wishes to produce exceptional thoughts must necessarily make an effort to “[persevere] in being” to use Spinoza’s words, or to overcome itself in creation. Readers must gather all their intellectual forces to reconstitute the reasoning contained in the final and triumphant poetic formula. Arno delivers these explanations of his poetic art in unpublished and hidden texts. In the manner of Leonardo da Vinci, the poet hides codes in his texts that lead to “sacred relics.”