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Quality hair removal products supplier in Hong Kong from ClearHair

Top rated hair removal specialists in Hong Kong? You Don’t Need to Grow Hair Between Treatments: Unlike with waxing, you can shave in between your treatments. You no longer have to wait to grow your hair out because with laser hair removal you can shave as much as you want in between sessions. You can have laser hair removal treatment done over your lunch break, because there is no recovery time. The lasers do not remove skin, so there are very low risks. Is it painful? Laser hair removal is no more painful than waxing. If you have sensitive skin, there are numbing creams that can be used to make the experience more comfortable. Find extra info on

This makes it a great option, even if you’re looking to remove small areas of hair from around the eyebrows, upper lip, nose, bikini line, or hairline. It Can Remove Hair From Any Part of the Body: With the exception of the eyelashes, laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body. It’s especially ideal for the back and bikini area, which can be hard to reach with razors and extremely painful to wax. It Prevents Ingrown Hairs: Shaving, waxing, and other methods of hair removal can cause ingrown hairs. If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, laser hair removal is an excellent option. By destroying the hair at the root, you’ll never have to worry about those pesky hairs growing back in or curling back into the body and becoming ingrown.

None Of The Discomfort Or Pain Linked With Threading Or Waxing: The laser that passes over your skin feels like a quick and hot snap before the laser moves onto a new area. This type of treatment is definitely far less painful when compared to having the hairs yanked out by their roots which is what happens when waxing particularly sensitive areas like your bikini line. Just About Pain-Free: Lasers over the years have advanced leaps and bounds, and the technology continues to improve. For example, the 3D Trilogy Ice laser which I used in our beauty salon features its own unique cooling system, this provides the ultimate comfort over the course of the treatment. In fact, with the latest lasers, you won’t experience any lingering pain or discomfort at the end of the treatment, which means you can leave pain-free and feeling satisfied.

For our Chinese language guests :

激光脱毛是永久性脱毛的最佳方法。准备好学习为什么了吗?以下是激光脱毛治疗的一些好处: 快速 如果这是您正在寻找的快速解决方案,激光脱毛是去除多余毛发的最快方法。您将不得不进行多次治疗,但大多数治疗只需要几分钟。治疗区域越小,您在激光下花费的时间就越少。


脱毛非常耗时,而且在许多情况下令人沮丧。传统的脱毛方法,如打蜡、剃须和镊子,对脱毛很有效,但只是暂时的。激光脱毛是有效的,高效的,并为摆脱多余的毛发提供了一个长期的解决方案。激光脱毛可以在身体任何有多余毛发的部位进行。虽然这种方法并不能完全去除头发,但它确实可以减少 50-95% 的新头发,并且长出的新头发会更细,更容易维护。以下是激光脱毛的五个好处。在治疗后的一两天内,您的皮肤会看起来和感觉被晒伤。保湿霜和冷敷可以提供帮助。在接下来的一个月里,处理过的头发会脱落。确保在下个月涂抹防晒霜,以防止皮肤暂时变色。

脫毛後會影響排汗嗎?毛囊和汗腺是分別獨立的兩個器官,毛髮是從毛囊長出,而汗腺則在毛囊的旁邊,在脫毛過程中,剃毛或脫毛只會針對於毛囊中的毛髮,並不會破壞隔壁的汗腺,是以,進行脫毛是不會對排汗有任何影響。如何預防脫毛之後出現毛髮倒生?任何的脫毛方法,或多或少都有機會造成毛髮倒插,普遍是因為拔毛時毛髮斷裂或逆向剃毛,導致毛髮重新生長的時候,有機會埋沒於毛孔內,造成毛髮倒生、不定時的發炎反應及產生色素疤痕等問題!要解決毛髮倒生的問題,需要使用微細的手術刀,把埋沒於毛孔內的毛髮挑出來。是以,預防勝於治療,在脫毛前選擇正確的脫毛方法,脫毛後塗上具消炎及防敏功效的護膚產品,並在脫毛部位定期按摩及進行去角質,都能避免毛髮倒生。 在此网站上阅读更多详细信息 激光脫毛.


常見的脫毛方法有哪些?自古至今,去除毛髮的方法總是五花百門,從傳統的線毛 (用一條線在皮膚表面搓捽,從而把毛髮拔掉)、剃毛 (使用剃刀的刀片把毛髮剃走)、拔毛 (用鉗子把毛髮逐一拔走)、化學脫毛 (使用脫毛膏以刺激性化學劑令毛髮溶解),到近代使用較新較衛生的方法如蜜蠟脫毛 (在長滿毛髮的肌膚塗上蜜蠟後,待蜜蠟凝固後把粘住體毛的蜜蠟撕走)、彩光脫光 (利用彩光的脈衝性光學把毛囊破壞,從而使毛囊休眠) 甚至激光脫毛 (利用激光針對黑色素的特性,把含有黑色素的毛髮及毛囊破壞),人們為了去除毛髮可謂絞盡腦汁,誓要和毛髮劃清界線。當中以激光脫毛的效果最顯注 (適當處理能達至永久脫毛效果) 及最舒適 (於脫毛時疼痛度會最低),但所需的費用相對上亦會較昂貴 (坊間的脫毛療程價格由數百至過萬元不等,視乎療程部位而定),是以在脫毛時,應考慮適合自己的脫毛方法。