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Modern furniture store Philippines 2023

High quality modern furniture providers in Philippines: Natural stone is known for its durability and ability to withstand the test of time. Granite and Quartzite specifically are unmatched when it comes to strength – and makes for a great material to use for more complex structural home projects, such as buildings, monuments, and supports. It is undoubtedly proven to be more durable than most other products on the market, showing minimal wear and tear over time. It offers homeowners a sustainable option for indoor and outdoor home design. Discover even more information at modern furniture.

Do you have what it takes to do a tiled shower? If you’re considering replacing your drop-in shower with a tiled version, you’re going to have to do your homework. With mudded tiled showers, the need to waterproof is real and it’s not always easy. There are a lot of steps involved, so research and preparation is key. Do you want to spend the money on a shower door? If you’re yearning for a fancy-schamncy glass shower door, but don’t have the budget at the moment or want to reallocate those funds for other important things, like a heated toilet seat, keep in mind that because glass shower doors are standard-sized, you can always add one later. Stick with a colorful shower curtain for a while while you save up for a shower door.

Every natural stone has its own level of required maintenance. Even among granites or marbles, there are variations. However, most granites are lower maintenance than most marbles. For granite, all stones except black should be sealed shortly after installation. A well-sealed stone will bead water on its surface. When the water stops beading, the stone must be resealed. In addition, always wipe up spills as soon as they are seen to prevent potential staining, and wash the stone with a PH-neutral cleanser to prevent etching or removal of the finish.

Vanquish stubborn stains. If you can’t remove a stain by yourself, it may be time to call a stone refinisher. “They’ll do a professional cleaning using special grinders, and perhaps fine-grit sandpaper,” says Bruno. But Bruno doesn’t discourage homeowners from using fine sandpaper on a marble countertop themselves. “Don’t worry about hurting your stone,” he says. “If there’s a nick or chip, you can smooth it out with sandpaper. You can also try that on a stain—just remember to reseal the surface when you’re done.” As reassurance, he offers this extreme case: “My wife and I recently bought an antique marble table that had been left outside and actually had algae growing on it. I got all the stains out using an electric sander and some diluted bleach.” Bruno also recommends learning to live with the flaws. “In Italy no one would look at a natural stone countertop and say, ‘Oh no, there’s a stain from a New Year’s Eve party seventeen years ago!’ A little etching and staining is normal wear and tear—it just becomes part of the kitchen.

Both marble and granite countertops are quite durable, but ONLY if they are properly sealed every one or two years. Granite and marble are porous, so without a seal, liquids will penetrate and stain. When the seal fades and is not replaced, these stones can be easily marred by oil, wine, juice and anything acidic. Marble is especially vulnerable to acidic foods and liquids, so be very careful to keep them off the marble or to clean up immediately after contact.

Granite is mainly composed of quarts and feldspars, it is coarse grained and usually in light colors. It has been in use extensively since the ancient times for both indoor and outdoor applications. Hardness and longevity: Granite is comparatively harder and stronger than marble. It is mostly known as the most durable natural stone and compared to marble. It is resistant to heat and can easily withstand hot cookware therefore it is perfect for kitchen tops. Marble is also susceptible to fading of color and becoming duller overtime. Unlike the stains which can be removed, a dulled marble has no way getting its shine back. It is an irreversible process and a major drawback of marble. Discover even more information at